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Successful companies make sustainable development an asset.*

Because impacts are one

Choose the first SaaS solution that assesses all your impacts and go from monitoring to action.

Discover the software

Footprint target: a global software solution for environmental decision support

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Why choose Footprint Target progiciel?

Risk management

Environmental impacts threaten operating accounts. The risk of scarcity of certain resources, such as fresh water, can lead to reduced yields or even breakdowns in the production chain. Spatial data can help map supply and production areas to identify these risks.


Thanks to our ecosystem-based approach, actions are prioritised where the risks are most significant and costs are optimised.


Create your action plan and promote your virtuous environmental commitments to your employees, customers and in your extra-financial reports.

Compliance with regulations

Environmental labelling, the law on deforestation and CSRD are just some of the issues on which companies will have to provide quantified metrics and objective data that can be used as proof.

Footprint target, how does it work ?


We combine your business data with external environmental data into scientific algorithms to assess your full environmental impact. The returned analysis allows you to understand the consequences of your impacts on the environment.


Depending on your results, the tool offers you customised solutions to your situation and allows you to prioritize them according to their environmental or financial impact.


Once you have set your goals, communicate your results and regularly monitor your growth.

Adjust if necessary according to the opportunities available to you.

*Green Score Capital has received support from the European Space Agency as well as from the French government and CNES as part of the France Relance plan on space applications to the economy and the environment.

Startup année 2023 Green Score Capital TPM

Startup of the year

For the TPM 2023 award

Valérie Tiersen, Founder and Chairwomen of Green Score Capital, a solution for measuring carbon and biodiversity footprints dedicated to companies.

Our strength

Depending on the country of origin of your raw materials, the environmental impact is different: the needs for water, phytosanitary products and cultivated area can vary.

Space data allows us to contextualize their impacts for more accuracy.

Request a demo

In the environment, everything is interdependent. Opt for the first solution that assesses all your impacts and move from monitoring to action.

Footprint Target demo

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© Green Score Capital, Inc. 2021.
*Les entreprises qui réussissent font du développement durable un atout.